Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s second president, scholar, and champion, Robert E. Cooley, passed on April 1 from this life to claim his eternal rest and great reward. Having followed in the footsteps of the seminary’s first president, the indomitable Harold Ockenga, Dr. Cooley not only gamely filled those shoes but took new ground to advance the seminary’s mission and reputation during his tenure (1981-1997). Under his leadership, Gordon-Conwell entered an era of robust, world-class scholarship along with increased admissions and the expansion of the campuses. Under his guidance, the Boston campus grew exponentially, and the Charlotte campus was born. “In the mid-80s Bob Cooley was years ahead of the time,” says Trustee, John Huffman. “The Charlotte campus offered a distinct alternative model to that of the residential South Hamilton. Cooley not only intuitively predicted the future but also came up with a model that incorporated the highest quality of remote learning combined with the Friday night/Saturday ‘being-there presence’ so important to ministerial

Mısır’da Erken Hristiyanlık

  Oturma odamızdaki sehpanın üzerinde çok büyük bir kitap duruyor. Bu özel kitap, Mısır: Dün ve Bugün, oğlumuz Bob tarafından Mısır’a yaptığı gezilerden birinin ardından bize hediye edildi. Kitabın üzerinde şöyle yazıyor: “Babam ve anneme, tüm harika gezilerimiz için minnettarlığımla, Sevgiler, Bob.” Bu kitap, 1838 yılında Mısır’da hac yolculuğuna başlayan Viktorya Dönemi İngiliz ressamı David…